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Paige Smathers
Sep 23, 2024
Maximizing Efficiency: 6 Proven Grocery Shopping Tips for Busy Individuals
If you don't go grocery shopping each week (or at least on a regular basis), it's pretty tough to eat in a nutritious, well-balanced way....

Paige Smathers
Jul 15, 2019
153: Hitting Diet Rock Bottom
We're all familiar with what the term 'rock bottom' means—but, what does that look like with food and body image? Jennifer McGurk, RDN,...

Paige Smathers
Jun 24, 2019
152: What Does it Look Like When Things are Going Well with Nutrition and Body Image?
This podcast outlines ways to identify when things are going well with your relationship with food. It's understandable that we spend...

Paige Smathers
Jun 10, 2019
151: The Distinction Between Mindfulness and Intuitive Eating
This week on the podcast, I'm sharing an episode where I was a guest discussing mindfulness, intuitive eating, self-compassion and more:...

Paige Smathers
May 27, 2019
150: A Simple, Straightforward Way to Decide What To Eat
"Okay this is all great, but what should I eat?!" If I had a nickel for every time I've been asked this question, I'd a rich woman! While...

Paige Smathers
May 13, 2019
149: How Connecting to our Instinct to Eat can Help us Make Peace with Food
As a journalist, Virginia Sole-Smith tells stories of women. With her new book, The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image and Guilt...

Paige Smathers
Apr 15, 2019
147: Q&A—Comparison, Diet Culture Messaging, Bingeing vs. Restricting and More
In this episode, I go through listener questions about intuitive eating, making peace with food and how to navigate diet culture. Here...

Paige Smathers
Apr 8, 2019
Your Body isn't for Manipulating: It's for Living your Full and Beautiful Life
We get bombarded with messages that our bodies need changing. That if we only tweaked this or that about our body (through food and/or...

Paige Smathers
Apr 1, 2019
146: Demystifying Gut Health & the Microbiome
In this episode, I speak with Jessie Hoffman, PhD about her experience as a nutrition researcher and gut health expert. We discuss her...

Paige Smathers
Feb 18, 2019
143: The Paradox of Permission with Intuitive Eating
Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD is the co-author of the book: Intuitive Eating. Evelyn is an award-winning registered dietitian, with a nutrition...

Paige Smathers
Oct 31, 2018
How to Spot a Fad Diet
Diets have evolved through the years. A decade or so ago, you could spot a diet from a mile away with blatant statements of restriction,...

Paige Smathers
Sep 18, 2018
133: Exploring a Path to True Health & Happiness
Monica Mo, PhD is a brand and media strategist and business coach for health professionals. She shares her process of being involved in...

Paige Smathers
Sep 17, 2018
What is Normal Eating?
Everyone seems to have an opinion about what you should be eating, how you should eat it, and when. The lure of diets can be...

Paige Smathers
Aug 29, 2018
130: Why #nuancematters in Conversations about Gut Health & Nutrition Science
Jessie Hoffman, PhD (c) came on the podcast to talk about why nuance matters when it comes to nutrition, health and science. Jessie is an...

Paige Smathers
Aug 27, 2018
Getting to Know Your Gut
I want to preface this post with the fact that I try to avoid being prescriptive because the field of gut health is still very new and we...

Paige Smathers
Jun 27, 2018
121: What it's Like to Feel you Don't Fit In with the Non-Diet Message
Have you ever felt like you don't fit in with the non-diet message? Have you ever scratched your head about a post you saw on social...

Paige Smathers
Jun 6, 2018
118: Exploring Hormonal Health
Hormonal health is a trendy topic right now. But, how can we navigate figuring out what's fact versus fiction when it comes to hormones?...

Paige Smathers
May 3, 2018
Of Course You've Changed
Hi everyone. Long time no talk. I’ve been incredibly busy over the last few months. It’s been an exciting time for me professionally and...

Paige Smathers
May 2, 2018
113: Exploring Weight Stigma
Have you heard the term "weight stigma" and wondered what it's all about? Even if you're a seasoned expert with this concept, you're...

Paige Smathers
Apr 26, 2018
Intuitive Eating Isn't the Goal
My clients and podcast listeners will often reach out to me and report that they’re sad they haven’t been better at eating intuitively....
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