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Paige Smathers
Mar 28, 2018
108: How Nutrition & Weight Messages are Affecting our Children
We all want the same things for our kids—happiness, health and overall positivity. After spending years listening to adults talk about...

Paige Smathers
Mar 21, 2018
107: The Intersection of Art & Healing
Lauren Brereton, RDN writes poetry to heal, to learn and to grow. She has been publishing her poems on social media and she came on the...

Paige Smathers
Mar 14, 2018
106: Beauty Redefined and Body Image Resilience
Beauty Refined is a passion project of twins Lindsay and Lexie Kite who both have PhDs from the University of Utah and specialize in body...

Paige Smathers
Mar 7, 2018
105: But, I Don't Want to Accept This Body
The body positive movement has so many elements to love about it. Not only is it making significant headway politically, but we are also...

Paige Smathers
Feb 6, 2018
If You Look for It, You'll Find It
My five-year-old is in a constant state of trying to find a toy or stuffed animal she's lost. It feels like she's always asking me to...

Paige Smathers
Feb 1, 2018
100: What is Mindful Eating?
What exactly is mindful eating? We throw the term around regularly but don't always dive into the nitty gritty details of where the...

Paige Smathers
Jan 24, 2018
99: Strategies for Navigating Diet Talk
So, you've decided to stop dieting. But now, all of a sudden you are hearing dieting messages and diet talk all around you! How do you...

Paige Smathers
Dec 27, 2017
95: How to Heal Your Relationship with Exercise
We spend a lot of time on Nutrition Matters Podcast talking about how to heal your relationship with food and your body. One of the very...

Paige Smathers
Dec 26, 2017
Surviving the End-of-Year Dieting Craze
If you're someone who has worked hard to walk away from dieting, this time of year can really throw you for a loop. Diet culture is...

Paige Smathers
Dec 20, 2017
94: Food Addiction—Fact or Fiction?
Have you ever wondered if your struggles with food should or could be characterized by the food addiction label? Marci Evans, MS, CEDRD,...

Paige Smathers
Dec 12, 2017
93: Embracing the Gray with Intuitive Eating
Have you ever felt like your process of ditching dieting has become another all-or-nothing pursuit where you used to do things one way...

Paige Smathers
Dec 6, 2017
6 Sane Holiday Eating Tips
It's the most wonderful time of the year, right?! The holiday season can be particularly difficult for people who identify as struggling...

Paige Smathers
Dec 5, 2017
92: How to Care About Your Eating Without Caring Too Much
The purpose of food and nutrition is to enable you to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, but not necessarily to be the object of...

Paige Smathers
Nov 29, 2017
91: Incorporating Intuitive Eating with a Chronic Illness
Tori Smedley is a registered-dietitian-to-be and a University of Utah student pursuing a degree in nutrition. In this podcast, she shares...

Paige Smathers
Nov 22, 2017
One Important Thing You Can Do to Practice Body Positivity
You might have already caught on to the growing momentum of the body positivity and anti-diet movements. Over the last few years, more...

Paige Smathers
Nov 22, 2017
90: Exploring Normal Eating
It's that time of year! I wanted to publish this conversation right before the holiday season because the end of the year tends to bring...

Paige Smathers
Nov 10, 2017
88: Weight Neutrality
Sumner Brooks, MPH, RDN, LD and I discuss how providers, family members and communities can change the conversation about weight. We...

Paige Smathers
Nov 2, 2017
87: Pregnancy Nutrition Questions Answered
In this episode, we're sharing a podcast Paige recorded with the host of the Birds and Bees podcast all about nutrition during pregnancy....

Paige Smathers
Oct 25, 2017
8 Kitchen Hacks to Make Cooking Easier
A good friend of mine called me the other day saying: "OK, don't make fun of me, but is there a better way to grate cheese than grating...

Paige Smathers
Oct 11, 2017
Rethinking Nutrition Education for Kids
Parents, teachers and community members can all agree—we want healthy, happy kids. Teachers have endless requirements and curriculum...
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