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Paige Smathers
May 22, 2020
5 Powerful Re-Frames to Help You Create a Positive Relationship with Food
The messages most of us have received about nutrition nutrition and health can lead to a lot of chaos. And ironically, the things we've...

Paige Smathers
Aug 19, 2019
Does this Ever Get Easier?
"Whoa, this sounds like a lot of work! You're really saying you watch your thoughts and practice mindfulness, self-compassion with your...

Paige Smathers
Apr 15, 2019
147: Q&A—Comparison, Diet Culture Messaging, Bingeing vs. Restricting and More
In this episode, I go through listener questions about intuitive eating, making peace with food and how to navigate diet culture. Here...

Paige Smathers
Apr 1, 2019
146: Demystifying Gut Health & the Microbiome
In this episode, I speak with Jessie Hoffman, PhD about her experience as a nutrition researcher and gut health expert. We discuss her...

Paige Smathers
Mar 4, 2019
144: Writing to Get Free & Unlearning to Heal
Melissa Toler is a speaker, writer, and educator. Her work encourages people to make the connection between our culture's oppressive...

Paige Smathers
Feb 25, 2019
7 Ways Intuitive Eating and Body Positivity Have Changed Me (Professionally and Personally)
I absolutely love my job! I feel grateful every single day for the work I get to do. In a nutshell, I get to hold space for folks who are...

Paige Smathers
Jan 14, 2019
You're Allowed to Care about your Health
You are allowed to care about your health. You might be thinking umm, yeah, duh and you might read the title of this post and wonder what...

Paige Smathers
Oct 17, 2018
137: Happiness isn't a Size: An Interview with Jes Baker, Author of Landwhale
Jes Baker is a positive, progressive, and magnificently irreverent force to be reckoned with in the realm of self-love advocacy and...

Paige Smathers
Sep 5, 2018
How to Transition from Tracking Macros to Intuitive Eating
Walking away from tracking macros can be a really scary endeavor. If you're unfamiliar, there are three macronutrients (macros for short)...

Paige Smathers
Aug 22, 2018
129: When It's About the Food and It's Not About the Food
In this episode, Laura Thomas, PhD and Paige explore the concepts of weight stigma and weight bias in detail, and discuss how sometimes...

Paige Smathers
Aug 15, 2018
6 Steps to a More Positive Body Image
The national eating disorders association defines body image as: “how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture...

Paige Smathers
Jul 18, 2018
124: Performative Health vs. Embodied Wellbeing
This podcast episode dives deep into some of the most critical and core concepts within the realm of health and healing. I spoke with Dr....

Paige Smathers
Jul 4, 2018
122: Let Freedom Ring—Body Liberation & Emotional Freedom
On this day of Independence—at least for the United States listeners—I'm sharing a podcast episode all about liberation and freedom as it...

Paige Smathers
Jun 13, 2018
119: Getting Comfortable with Feeling Uncomfortable
Dr. Judi-Lee Webb is a licensed psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist who practices in Atlanta, Georgia. She talks in...

Paige Smathers
May 23, 2018
116: Letting Go of the Shoulds with Food
In this episode, Jenn Hand—food and eating coach—and I talk about food rules and their sneaky tendency to create perfectionistic thinking...

Paige Smathers
May 16, 2018
115: Finding Self-Worth & Identity Beyond Food & Body
Dr. Stephanie Waitt specializes in treating eating disorders at her practice, Texoma Specialty Counseling. In her work, with people she...

Paige Smathers
May 2, 2018
113: Exploring Weight Stigma
Have you heard the term "weight stigma" and wondered what it's all about? Even if you're a seasoned expert with this concept, you're...

Paige Smathers
Mar 14, 2018
106: Beauty Redefined and Body Image Resilience
Beauty Refined is a passion project of twins Lindsay and Lexie Kite who both have PhDs from the University of Utah and specialize in body...

Paige Smathers
Nov 10, 2017
88: Weight Neutrality
Sumner Brooks, MPH, RDN, LD and I discuss how providers, family members and communities can change the conversation about weight. We...

Paige Smathers
Oct 4, 2017
83: Giving Up Dieting and Exploring Health at Every Size
Nutrition Matters Podcast first explored the Health At Every Size paradigm in episode 41. In this episode with Meredith Noble, we take on...
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